Our History

The institution was born from the inspiration carried by the service and vocation, from its founder Ms. Martha Chiriboga Castro, towards the children of the city; starting with work in the school year 1999 providing the first educational offer for children of 3 years under the regency of the INNFA. Its first headquarters operated in the streets Aurelio Aguilar and Agustín Cueva.
With the passage of time and in consideration of student demand, permits were opened to expand the educational offer in the first instance to basic general education, which led to the transfer to the second headquarters in LLacao Parish, under the regency of the Ms. Guadalupe Jara Arévalo, implementing personalized education as an educational model.
The third site (current location) was considered to provide a comprehensive service to students, which addresses all levels of the Ecuadorian educational system, assuming the rector of the Educational Unit Ms. Elsa Bermeo Jaramillo, aligning the educational institution with the currents of constructivist learning.
The first promotion of high school graduates of the Educational Unit graduated in the school year 2012 – 2013, with very good results already in the professional life; at present the institution enjoys the privilege of integrating in the top 10 institutions,  in which we occupy the eighth place, issued by the INEVAL in Zone 6 of Education.
To continue with the positioning in terms of educational quality and integral service, the institution is working on projects that tend to the real improvement of the generation of knowledge and the practice of values, forming students committed to their training, capable of undertaking and questioning , constantly expanding the integral service where science, sports, arts, the handling of a second language, with supports of technological means are approached; constituting us in an institution that is at the forefront of education.

La primera promoción de bachilleres de la Unidad Educativa se graduó en el año escolar 2012 – 2013, con muy buenos resultados ya en la vida profesional; en la actualidad la institución goza del privilegio de integrar el top 10 de instituciones, ocupamos el octavo puesto, emitido por el INEVAL en la Zona 6 de Educación.

Para continuar con el posicionamiento en términos de calidad educativa y servicio integral, la institución se encuentra trabajando en proyectos que propendan a la mejora sustancial de la generación de conocimiento y la práctica de valores, formando estudiantes comprometidos con su formación, capaces de emprender y cuestionar, ampliando constantemente el servicio de carácter integral donde se aborda la ciencia, los deportes, las artes, el manejo de una segunda lengua, con soportes de medios tecnológicos; las destrezas alcanzadas por los estudiantes les permiten interactuar con respeto y compromiso hacia el entorno, logrando una participación activa y decidida en el quehacer global; constituyéndonos en una institución que va a la vanguardia de la educación


The American School Educational Unit is an Institution that provides educational services to the community with a humanistic, inclusive sense in the context of cultural diversity; in a potential environment for student interaction in the social construction of their own learning, by guiding meaningful activities, focused on the authentic experiences and performances of students, to provide society with competent human beings and leaders, optimizing the processes and promoting the effective development of our human talent and the protection of the environment, satisfying the needs and interests of the students, the development of the country and its representatives.


The Unidad Educativa American School in the year 2021 will be an integrating educational institution of harmonious and healthy coexistence that permanently seeks educational excellence through work in learning environments by sub-levels, using information and communication technologies, with trained teachers and engaged in the education and training of independent students, integral, critical, reflective, with awareness of environmental protection and with a broad development of skills and abilities that are  framed in the quality standards and formation of a successful Ecuadorian high school graduate.